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A truly beautiful bouquet of flowers: iris, pink and purple lavender, gerbera and daisy.


This Mother's Day make the day extra special with this edible bouquet fresh from an English country garden!


5 delicious lemon biscuit flowers which look, and are, good enough to eat!


Our biscuits are presented in a white gift box, tied with orange or blue raffia ribbon and sealed with a Biscuit Fantastic sticker.

All of our biscuits are made and intricately decorated individually by hand. We only use the best ingredients, including free range eggs (usually organic) and fresh lemon.


As with all our biscuits, Gluten and Dairy Free options are available. Just send us a message when you order.

Biscuits are Vegetarian.

As each biscuit is handmade, colours will vary.


Out of Stock
  • Approximate Sizes: 

    Iris: 17.5 x 7 cm

    Daisy: 16 x 6 cm

    Lavender: 18 x 4.5 cm

    Gerbera: 16 x 6.5 cm

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